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Imagine what you WANT

Imagine what you WANT What you want: Mario Andretti said the single most important thing in racecar driving is to look where you want the car to go. Period. Focus on what you want. Look in the direction you want to go. Take a moment right now to notice how you are envisioning your day. Do …

Your unconscious mind: Make getting rid of bad Habits easy

Your unconscious mind: Make getting rid of bad Habits easy Your unconscious mind is AMAZING. Amazingly powerful, and amazingly willing to shift, when you learn how to work with it.   It saves you a lot of time and energy by keeping you doing things in a habitual manner, so you don't have to keep …

A moment: Take Back your Power and Happiness

        Are you at a moment of decision?  Have you ever had a moment when it became crystal clear that things cannot follow the same path they have up until now? A moment when your full body awareness says – "I don’t know what is to come, but I know I am …

Making Change that Counts – Unconsciously

Are your relationships lively and loving? Do you feel excited and grateful to get to do the work you do? Do you feel creative and alive?  Physically, are you feeling healthy and vibrant? If not – is there some reason that this is OK? What voice inside you is saying that this is enough? That’s …

Your unique piece of the puzzle

Do you ever find yourself stopped in your tracks? Here's a mindset piece to help you pick up and move forward with passion.   Maybe you have your newsletter all set to go – and don’t hit the send button. Maybe you have your talk 90% complete, but instead of polishing it and setting up …

Art Class as Metaphor I: The Power of Pure Positive Feedback

Would you like to absolutely make someone's day? Have you ever had someone compliment you, and then dull it with – "but…" or "except for…" Wow, that takes the wind out the compliment, doesn't it?   In business we're taught to use a "feedback sandwich" which says: tell three positive specific things, give one stretch, …

The difference between fear and doubt..

The difference between fear and doubt.   Contrary to popular thought, fear isn’t really what stops us from doing things we want to do. Fear is natural, a safety mechanism in nature that lets you know when to heighten your guard, pay closer attention, be aware. Give fear breath and it’s actually excitement – it’s …

What governors are running YOUR life?

We’ve all got them – those UNCONSCIOUS set points that determine
how fast we will allow ourselves to go, how much money we will allow ourselves to have,
how much we weigh, how successful and big we are willing to allow ourselves to be in our work. And those
are actually straightforward to change.