

I have a vision of us humans as magical creatures covered with beautiful, powerful antennae. Because of the times we have come through, our antennae are kind of flattened. We’ve trained ourselves to keep them under cover because the world as it has been hurts them. I believe we are in the process of learning …

The Magic of Appreciative Engagement

In the last ten years of coaching and living, I have come to see that a magic key to the kingdom is appreciation, especially appreciative interaction or engagement. I see this as a very different energy than gratitude, and it’s worth exploring and investigating on its own. When I teach about the power of appreciative …

A Commitment to Being Fully Alive

I am fiercely determined and committed To being in right relation with life, And with MY life, So I am living the truth of my soul, passing on what matters most to me.   What matters most to me is Being a full participant in life. Open to the wild and unbridled delight of being …

How Trees Grow in Rocks

This is a field note that I wrote back in 2000, for the Montana Natural History Museum. I decided to publish it here since I get so many amazing photos of trees growing in rocks, and remain fascinated and inspired by the process. Hope you are as well! I spent a recent afternoon sitting on …

Exploring “I’m sorry”

  What does “I am sorry” really mean? That I am guilty, that it’s my fault, that I should have done something, that something’s wrong, that I should be able to make it better?   Or can it just be a surrender into the acknowledgement that I am sorry along with being happy? Sorry about …

Please don’t “Fake it ‘til you make it”

If I am at war with anything (which I’m generally not, but this one does get me going!) it is the idea of “fake it until you make it.” I would say the polar opposite: Get real.   We are carrying a boatload of cultural anxiety which is both caused by and causing us to …

Loving life, learning new things

I am loving my summer. I am doing a lot of guiding at the moment, often taking people into the Narrows, a deep canyon in Zion National Park.   People sometimes ask me if I get a little jaded or tired of doing this hike, and I am really delighted to say that it’s actually …

Speaking your truth with love

Boundaries and “Speaking your truth” “Inside me, it will be safe to be me”   How do you lean into “speaking your truth” in a good way, feeling solid and good in yourself, and leaving room for others to feel solid and good in themselves?   There are distinct stages to becoming peaceful and whole, …

How to truly support someone in need

Do you have anyone in your life who is breaking your heart, because of a spiral they are in? It might be a spiral of addiction, depression, anxiety, overwhelm, anger… any downward spiral that is keeping them from being able to be the person you know they actually are? It’s just heartbreaking, isn’t it? When …

Reclaiming the Feminine – My Dance with Gender and Rejection

Is Reclaiming the Divine Feminine really what the project is? Or is there another crucial, crucial piece that has to be included?   There is a powerful movement afoot in the world to Reclaim the Divine Feminine. Many people are teaching this. I agree that it is an important part of our movement into a …