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Good enough? For Whom?

Every result you create in your life flows from the answer to this question. It’s a question that you probably don’t know you are asking, and which you are answering unconsciously all the time: Is it good enough? Is it good enough for ME? Do I trust my own ability to know what is good …


Will your Emergency to lead to Emergence?   I love it when I see a deeper meaning in words, and this morning’s addition to the elegance and truth in words was priceless.   I finally heard the word EMERGENCY in its true light. An emergency is when things get so bad that they just cannot …

Living a fully connected and engaged life

What is a fully Connected and Engaged life?   Eight years ago I had a moment when I looked at my life and decided to make it different. I was deeply frustrated by what was happening – or more to the point, what was NOT happening. I knew I was “phoning it in” as they …

FAQ – Asking HOW vs WHY

Asking HOW vs  WHY Yesterday I received this question via email…it's such a great question, I decided to answer it here. May it serve!   Hey, Scout, Thanks a lot for this life changing tool! (My Change the Question video) I love your info, but am a litlle confused which question is more powerful, "why" …

Dancing The Dance of Life

The Dance of Life is an ongoing allowing of what is, in this moment, while feeling grateful for what is coming.   The resistance to what is, is merely one step in the dance. It can stop us, when we choose to let it. Or, we can just remember that it is just one of …

Finding and Speaking Your Authentic Voice

Finding and Speaking Your Authentic Voice Are you a woman who would like to help to profoundly change the world? Then the Key is Finding and Speaking Your Authentic Voice: your own voice. Consider: Right now today: Of 190 heads of state, 9 are women. In the Corporate sector, 15 to 16% of the top positions …

Your Own Personal Trance

We are all walking around in our own personal trance all the time.   This thought is from Milton Erickson, arguably the greatest hypnotist who ever lived.   All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. All your internal decisions are self-hypnosis. All of life is self-hypnosis.  You have convinced yourself that things in life are a certain way. …

Believe in Your Greater Objective

Always believe in your Greater Objective Sometimes, in spite of all my best efforts, things don't come out the way I wanted or expected. (I know, big surprise, huh?!)   When that happens, I lean into my trust that they're coming out just the way they are supposed to.   Let me tell you a …

You are already there; You are good enough Already

More often than not, my blog posts develop out of conversations I have with clients. This is one of those. When we have completed our big work together, and the magic has happened, then a different kind of work starts. The work to own it and integrate it, and to develop one specific new habit …

Surrender to your Brilliance

I have gotten into a few conversations lately about surrender. People want to know – is it different than giving up? Is it resigning to fate? Is it giving up your freedom of free will?   Here's what I think:   Surrender is letting go of the story of being small. Releasing the idea that …