Asking HOW vs WHY![FAQ - Asking HOW vs WHY How vs Why](
Yesterday I received this question via email…it's such a great question, I decided to answer it here. May it serve!
Hey, Scout,
Thanks a lot for this life changing tool! (My Change the Question video)
I love your info, but am a litlle confused which question is more powerful, "why" or "how"?Thanks so much, P
Dear P,
HOW vs WHY, That's a great question, thank you!
"How" is definitely the more powerful question. Asking "why" just leads you into blame and excuses and reasons and justifications.
Here's a good way to approach a situation that you want to change is, using your questions to support you:
Begin by accepting that you are where you are, and put down all resistance.
Here I am, right now, in this spot. I accept that.
Breathe into it, allow it, use the variety of tools I offer to step into full acceptance.
And now, having fully accepted it as my current reality, I would like to change it. I choose to have this be different as I move forward. I recognize that in wanting to change,
Why I am here is far, far less important than how I will choose to deal with it.
Some people see Why as an interesting and useful question to lead you to get the lessons that are available to be learned – which is always important.
And a much better way to get to the lesson is to ask:
What am I to learn from this situation? What is the lesson available to me here?
Sit quietly and listen/feel for the answer. Your heart knows. Trust your heart.
So in the realm of which to ask: HOW vs WHY. How is definatively more powerlful and relvant.
Hope this helps!!