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You are already there; You are good enough Already

More often than not, my blog posts develop out of conversations I have with clients. This is one of those. When we have completed our big work together, and the magic has happened, then a different kind of work starts. The work to own it and integrate it, and to develop one specific new habit …

Your unconscious mind: Make getting rid of bad Habits easy

Your unconscious mind: Make getting rid of bad Habits easy Your unconscious mind is AMAZING. Amazingly powerful, and amazingly willing to shift, when you learn how to work with it.   It saves you a lot of time and energy by keeping you doing things in a habitual manner, so you don't have to keep …

A moment: Take Back your Power and Happiness

        Are you at a moment of decision?  Have you ever had a moment when it became crystal clear that things cannot follow the same path they have up until now? A moment when your full body awareness says – "I don’t know what is to come, but I know I am …

Space Enough and Time Enough

The Doors of San Miguel (San Miguel de Allende, Mexico)   When you travel in a foreign country, it’s always a surprise what the more striking differences are. In San Miguel for me, it was the doors. Here in the US, we are largely defined by our houses. And our houses are on view for …

Making Change that Counts – Unconsciously

Are your relationships lively and loving? Do you feel excited and grateful to get to do the work you do? Do you feel creative and alive?  Physically, are you feeling healthy and vibrant? If not – is there some reason that this is OK? What voice inside you is saying that this is enough? That’s …

Art Class as Metaphor II: Find the square inch you love

What I wrote a couple of days ago about the power of pure positive feedback made me remember another related story I wanted to share with you, from another art class. When I was learning watercolors, I was part of a wonderful small group of women who were jumping in eagerly, even though much of …

What stories are running YOUR life?

Think about how much of your life is run by the stories you tell about yourself, or to yourself, at an unconscious level.
Stories like – I am bad at math. I tend to run late. I’ll never be a brain surgeon! I am really good with people.
What are you creating in your life because of those stories?

How Tight is Your Grip?

Would you like to let life be easier? Here’s my invitation for you: Close your eyes and see your story as just what it is. A story. Everybody’s got one. Picture holding it out in front of you, like a book, and let it be just your story – not you. It’s not you, of course. It’s just a story that at this moment you are calling your story. How lightly can you hold it? How easy can you let it be to put it down, and choose a story that works better?