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A moment: Take Back your Power and Happiness

        Are you at a moment of decision?  Have you ever had a moment when it became crystal clear that things cannot follow the same path they have up until now? A moment when your full body awareness says – "I don’t know what is to come, but I know I am …

Your unique piece of the puzzle

Do you ever find yourself stopped in your tracks? Here's a mindset piece to help you pick up and move forward with passion.   Maybe you have your newsletter all set to go – and don’t hit the send button. Maybe you have your talk 90% complete, but instead of polishing it and setting up …

Art Class as Metaphor II: Find the square inch you love

What I wrote a couple of days ago about the power of pure positive feedback made me remember another related story I wanted to share with you, from another art class. When I was learning watercolors, I was part of a wonderful small group of women who were jumping in eagerly, even though much of …

Art Class as Metaphor I: The Power of Pure Positive Feedback

Would you like to absolutely make someone's day? Have you ever had someone compliment you, and then dull it with – "but…" or "except for…" Wow, that takes the wind out the compliment, doesn't it?   In business we're taught to use a "feedback sandwich" which says: tell three positive specific things, give one stretch, …

The Power of Your Intention

Do you want to magnify your results in any class you take, any project you take on, any conversation you engage in? Get crystal clear about your intention for doing whatever it is you do. 

Setting an intention is the most powerful way to laser-focus your attention, both consciously and unconsciously, so you achieve precisely …

How you do anything is how you do EVERYTHING

How I got caught – and served – by coaching’s most powerful premise. So – there I was in day three of the seminar, feeling good, happy with how I was showing up, interacting powerfully and pleasantly…when I got the rug pulled out from under me and I had to look at EVERYTHING differently. It …

The difference between fear and doubt..

The difference between fear and doubt.   Contrary to popular thought, fear isn’t really what stops us from doing things we want to do. Fear is natural, a safety mechanism in nature that lets you know when to heighten your guard, pay closer attention, be aware. Give fear breath and it’s actually excitement – it’s …

What governors are running YOUR life?

We’ve all got them – those UNCONSCIOUS set points that determine
how fast we will allow ourselves to go, how much money we will allow ourselves to have,
how much we weigh, how successful and big we are willing to allow ourselves to be in our work. And those
are actually straightforward to change.