Traveling LIGHT
Are you yearning to feel more alive?
Come out and play!
Reset your system. Deepen your understanding, while letting go of being so darn serious. Learn and practice talking about what works, and feel yourself getting back to optimism, excitement, wonder and joy.
Check in on and let go of old assumptions about who you are and what is and is not possible for you, by doing something different, invigorating and FUN.
WordTrailsA table top game of adventure, a place for exploring and wondering together. Here’s a description of WordTrails from another perspective. Listen to this podcast to get a sense of who I am, how I like to explore, and what I like to talk about. A fun story, and a conversation about life. A Guide’s Guide to GUIDINGPersonal or group guide training designed for people who make their living influencing and leading others. Contact me for details. CRYSTAL SINGING BOWLSLet the bowls take you on a journey of vibration in sound and color. RISK, LEAP, DREAM, DARE(Note: I am currently re-vamping this to be accessible again, after a technology hiatus.) A recorded program. Here are examples of some previous offerings, so you can get a sense of who I’ve been over time: Come expand your willingness to try exciting new things, through connecting with a deeper part of yourself. Women’s Leap of Faith Workshop
WORKSHOPS AND RETREATSCome be part of a small group exploring what it takes and how it feels to thrive in the new world of connection and magic. I am setting up for the year 2025. So far I know there will be a three day horse-oriented workshop in Montana May 3-5, 2025, and a wonderful seven day leisurely canoe trip through Labyrinth Canyon on the Green River September 6-13, 2025. I anticipate building new programs for homeschoolers to adventure together. I am currently deep into creating a new program that will help build trust, willingness and connection from the inside out. Going all the way to to bottom of where trust needs to start, and starting there. I am very excited about this approach. Please sign up for my mailing list to get more details. PERSONAL GUIDED EXPERIENCE IN NATURECome play outdoors. Let go and remember how fun life can be. If you are struggling to stay optimistic, or have run dry on creativity and passion, I’ll guide you into a beautiful place where you can reset your energy and enthusiasm. Contact me for details. Here are some of the choices: Individual road trip, designed to order.
ADVENTURE & APPRECIATION BASED PERSONAL COACHINGOur world is shifting under our feet, in many ways. Be deeply supported as you shift with it, out of the old paradigm of fear, judgment and lack, into the new world of generosity, joy, appreciation and quantum possibility. Contact me for details.
My approach
They say that in an equestrian jumping event, when approaching an epic jump, the rider must throw her heart over the fence, and the horse will follow.
A wonderful image when it works…but one which can also result in a world of sad, tattered, lonely and exhausted hearts having been thrown over a jump their animal body was not truly ready for.
This was my experience.
I have had to develop a kinder, gentler approach for myself, one that can get me to the other side of the fence intact, excited and triumphant, saying,
I did it.
Having brought all of myself along.
In my life and work I carry a profound desire – a spiritual imperative, really – to find a way of being alive that has me ready, willing and able to move forward in curiosity and delight, without the endless sense of pushing.
I love to share what I have learned and how I have done this with others who want the same thing.
Greetings and Thanks
2Lives Podcast In this podcast Scout shares real-life stories of hope & connection from life on the trail.
Scout’s YouTube channel has many, many stories and sharings.
Change the Question. A fun short video offering a cool way to work with your unconscious mind.
Scout has written extensively about her experiences and what she has learned about how to be fully yourself, happier, more connected and more effective in everything you do. Download her free e-books to share her knowledge, experience and learn the tools she uses herself. And be sure to check out Coyote Campfire, an online conversation with her off beat and occasionally irreverent higher self.
I gave myself the gift of a 4 day private retreat with Scout as I began healing from a long-term illness. Her exquisitely human guidance and capacity to create safe and playful space transformed my expectation of adapting to a new normal into a full-on rebirth! She played with me in nature and art and movement and story-telling and sound, as at home as I am in weaving between the inner and outer worlds and back again.
When you’ve done a lot of your work and reached a level of maturity in using your tools, the next expansion can want (or need) a fellow traveler to interact with. I’m highly selective whose energy I bring into that space. I didn’t want to be fixed-at or healed-on. I needed someone who could both guide and witness while I did my own work. Scout’s warmth and humor and grounded experience were her absolutely beautiful gift to me. I highly recommend you let this be your gift to yourself as well!
Karen Joy Fritz
Evolutionary Coach, Author, Inventor, Speaker
There are certain experiences in life I mark in my heart as page turners. Exploring the singular landscape of Southern Utah with Scout Wilkins was one of those moments. We embarked upon what I expected to be a beautiful hike with a wonderful, knowledgeable guide. The day was most definitely those things. What I did not expect was the level of rich, inspiring conversation about life directions and creativity that seemed to flow easily as we meandered through Water Canyon. Scout’s perspective on feminine aspects of particular rock formations opened my imagination and sense of belonging to the landscape. Then was the surprise for which I’d really not considered…the opportunity to work through a lifelong issue with heights and vertigo. Scout’s clear, soft, and simple guidance coupled with her confidence in my ability to move through what had previously seemed an insurmountable obstacle, made success possible. There I was, hiking up a narrow cliff face trail aware but not afraid of the shear drop to the canyon floor near my feet. Vertigo? Absent!
My time with Scout in the wilderness shifted my life in a few profound and lasting ways. Her presence as well as gentle, wisely chosen questions within the context of the natural world allowed me to reconnect with aspects of myself that had been broken through trauma. Holding up the landscape as a mirror, Scout reminded me of my innate strength of spirit. It turns out that in dealing with my fear of heights in such a seemingly concrete manner, enabled me to access a part of myself needed for facing other, less tangible fears in life. The guidance is simple, the results are powerful! – B
Scout, you have a way of interpreting a situation that is quite unique in my experience. You seem to see what is going on under the surface, imagining that as a picture you describe to me, or a story you tell me, in words that make complete sense to my whole system. Even though you may be saying something I’ve heard many times before, when I hear your words, I can really take them in. Something about you creates such a deep sense of peace inside me that I can relax, take it all in, and come away with a completely new, full body understanding of who I am, what is going on around me, and how I fit into it all in a beautiful way. Thank you so much. What I have learned from you has changed my life. – NS
Scout’s sound bowl healing was really a moment of growth for me. I have only been to two sound bowl healings before so I am relatively new to understanding it’s power. As a western medicine practitioner, her explanation of the chakras following human development made my understanding come to light. She definitely expanded my knowledge of sound bowls and it’s more than just beautiful music now, so thank you. It was a powerful experience so thanks again for the opportunity to stay tuned into my body. -RNW
Before this program, I was feeling at a loss. I remembered such better times, when I felt in tune with things. It was like something was missing but I couldn’t say what, I wasn’t unhappy but knew there was more, far more than the day to day challenge of cooking cleaning,- getting up, going to bed, where was my life!! I wanted it to start!!
The first thing the program has done, has been to give me back a spark, The hope, and joy of knowing there is more, and I am on my way to doing it. I may not know yet which way I will go, but I have started. Its like a secret smile inside. The lovely energy of Scout is leading me forward. Knowing that I can follow something to get me there, like following a trail someone has left for you to find your joy and worthiness, and discovering what else there is along the way. I am so happy to have found this!! Thank you Scout. – CR
You do amazing work, and you lay things out, and explain things with such flow, that they are easy to implement and follow. -P
To me, these recordings are like a new toolbox that I got with all kinds of different tools in it, and Scout showed us how to use them. So, when one of our pipes leak we can use this tool, when something else is stuck we can use another tool etc… Just knowing to have these tools gives me a sense of confidence… Each time I am re-listening to one of the recordings I discover parts that I hear for the first time…there are so many layers, and it’s a life-time journey… -A
As I was sitting on my deck this morning drinking it all in, I leaned my head against the railing and relaxed. Yes, I said, and thank you. Finally I can stop, finally I feel grounded and centered and supported and nourished. Thank you for this house, thank you for this back yard where I can return every day, and thank you for the connection that allows me to carry that with me through the day. From this place I have something to give, I can operate in the world from a place of openness and from a place of gratitude and fullness.
I came back into the house realizing I was completely open, feeling the energy of the house itself, cool and inviting and supportive and protecting. It too is my home and has become part of me and I part of it and I am grateful. Thank you, Scout, for helping me to come to this place (both physically and metaphorically).
What I have learned from Scout is, to make your own path. But, if I need help or am hesitant about a decision, to go to her! Support, Support, Support is what Scout is all about. Her words are powerful, moving and uplifting. She is dedicated to her work, helping people get what they want in life, and she is good at it! I did her goal setting segment and I could see my goal in my hand, it brought tears to my eyes. It left me speechless; it’s an incredible feeling. Scout is one of the most caring, beautiful and inspiring people I have met, and I’m so glad she’s in my life. Thanks Scout! – AJ
You have the exceptional gift of simplifying information I need to understand and then apply, and you put words to feelings in an amazing way that brings me to understand myself and the world at an entirely new level. Thank you for your compassion and your willingness to help. You are a blessing! -D
You have such a great a gift, Scout, for helping folks like me to allow their spirit and passion for life to really come alive and claim their joy and realize their potential for a truly good life. -TZ
I wanted to tell you how ingrained my new pattern has become. I was thinking about it recently when something I did wasn’t just right (can’t even remember what now). I watched myself recognize it and think about how useful that information I just received was so that I could do it differently/not do it in the future. After that, I made a point to take note of my reactions and recognized such a beneficial bodacious (good word!) pattern. My foundation shift doesn’t take any effort – it really is part of me now. Some of the best money I ever spent was on our work together. Thanks again! -SR
Join me on this journey of exploration
An exploration of joyful, connected humanness, viewed through the lens of appreciation and adventure.