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Art Class as Metaphor II: Find the square inch you love

What I wrote a couple of days ago about the power of pure positive feedback made me remember another related story I wanted to share with you, from another art class. When I was learning watercolors, I was part of a wonderful small group of women who were jumping in eagerly, even though much of …

What stories are running YOUR life?

Think about how much of your life is run by the stories you tell about yourself, or to yourself, at an unconscious level.
Stories like – I am bad at math. I tend to run late. I’ll never be a brain surgeon! I am really good with people.
What are you creating in your life because of those stories?

Life is Short

There are a lot of people out there who are sitting up, saying – life IS short!
These are the kinds of things I am hearing – do any of them sound familiar?

I’ve just had a major wake-up call, my best friend is loosing her battle with cancer…
I’ve just woken up to the fact that after 35 years I cannot blame the fact that my relationships are not working, on the other person…
I am so tired of settling for less than the exciting, engaged life that I have always pictured!

Here’s the chorus: Done! We’re done with it!
How many times do we have to say that before we actually do something else?

What are your day to day dreams?

The small day to day dreams we have are more important than the epic, one in a lifetime dreams that we tend to think of when we use the word “Dream.” The dreams of being different in our life right now.

Why I love facebook

Six reasons why I love facebook: People can read what they want when they want, I can share great videos, articles, websites, tools easily, it creates real time, real live new relationships in my life, I can stay in touch so easily with friends around the globe, My long distance friends feel so much more part of my life, and it’s quick and easy.

What are you tolerating in your one precious life?

What are you tolerating in the area you want to change, and what is it costing you? Once you truly expose that cost to yourself, without any sugar coating, you get serious traction on the road to making the change. When you can get yourself to the point of zero tolerance, through really understanding the cost, you’ve opened the door wide open to making lasting change.

Hold the Beat

Drumming together is a powerful metaphor for life. In relationship, when your partner is sad, don’t go down with them, in a misguided effort to support them. Is it truly supportive to be sad along with them? Consider instead offer compassion and caring – while staying strong and happy yourself. Hold the beat. Give them a rhythm to reach for when they are ready to come back in.