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Who am I, really? What makes me ME?

It’s the big question, isn’t it – What is the part of me that makes me ME, What are the elements outside myself that help define me? Which ones should matter, which ones shouldn’t? I’ve just embarked onto a path of personal exploration and adventure in this area. Once again, as so many of the …

How Tight is Your Grip?

Would you like to let life be easier? Here’s my invitation for you: Close your eyes and see your story as just what it is. A story. Everybody’s got one. Picture holding it out in front of you, like a book, and let it be just your story – not you. It’s not you, of course. It’s just a story that at this moment you are calling your story. How lightly can you hold it? How easy can you let it be to put it down, and choose a story that works better?

Life is Short

There are a lot of people out there who are sitting up, saying – life IS short!
These are the kinds of things I am hearing – do any of them sound familiar?

I’ve just had a major wake-up call, my best friend is loosing her battle with cancer…
I’ve just woken up to the fact that after 35 years I cannot blame the fact that my relationships are not working, on the other person…
I am so tired of settling for less than the exciting, engaged life that I have always pictured!

Here’s the chorus: Done! We’re done with it!
How many times do we have to say that before we actually do something else?

I see hope in the leaders of tomorrow

This morning I’m thinking a lot about the young people I have met in my travels over the past few years. I’ve lived in some shared housing situations, worked side by side, met them at gatherings and coffee shops and on the street – and I have to say, getting out into the world and …