Creative Solutions Workshop
Surrender to your Brilliance
Find Your Best Ideas and Solutions through Creative Play
Feb 8 & 9, 2013
Live Workshop
Alexis Park Resort,
Las Vegas, Nevada
Connect the dots of your life in fun new ways.
Find your best, most brilliant ideas and creative solutions.
Imagine stepping out of your normal routine long enough to dance with your creative spark.
- Slow down and relax
- Envision what you really want
- Investigate what is in the way to you getting there
- And developing solutions to take you around those obstacles.
All in a very safe space, while having a fun time playing with art, making new friends, building a new support network, and enjoying yourself deeply.
Woven into this weekend will be trainings, explorations into and openings of:
- Trust
- Inspiration
- Gratitude
- Flow
- Forgiveness
This will be a guided process, using cutting edge Mind-remapping tools to take you where you need to go, inside, to release the outdated fears and beliefs that are holding your dreams hostage.
What is the value of taking two full days to get the breathing space and opportunity to listen to yourself and find your great answers? Priceless – and yet,
Only $197.00
(Note – this workshop is limited to 20 participants)
The ship has sailed on the early bird pricing, and the workshop is STILL a great deal!
Did miss the boat on the early pricing? Did you really want to come, but something was making you hesitate? Fear, doubt, deservingness: what was the critical voice of choice this time?
Are you holding back from this workshop because you're not an artist and part of you doesn't want to get out there showing how much you suck at art?
Well – here's the deal.
We're not creating art.
We're creating metaphors. Metaphors which will sink into your awareness and lead you to solutions that you will not think of any other way. And the god news is – you just show up. You don't have to DO anything but play, and let the metaphor create itself. I will be asking questions and guiding you, when you are deep I play, which will magically open doors in ways you could not have imagined.
This little image, I hope, will dissuade you that we're going to be called upon to be great artists. I wanted to have a fun way to remind you that the early bird pricing ends tonight. I pulled out some fabric I have, got the idea for a boat, Googled how to fold one, (using an ordinary piece of white paper) found some little people (yes it pays to have a lifetime's worth of creative gatherings at your disposal, and I will handle that for you) and voila – ten minutes and here's a really great metaphor.
Which also leads to the question: Where else in your life are you missing the boat? A fundamental principle of behavior is: How you do anything is how you do everything. (Which is why art works so well as a way in to solutions in other areas)
I get that there may be "real" issues – timing, money, all the usual suspects. And as a coach, let me ask you – where else in your life are you missing the boat? And what is the cost of that? And what are you going to differently today to change that?
If you won't do it today, why think that you'll do it tomorrow?
We'd LOVE to have you come!
Only $197.00
Workshop details:
All art supplies and materials are included.
I will have tea and coffee and some snacks available through the day.
You will be responsible for your own food and lodging.
What to Bring
Please bring along a small treasure that you can infuse, over the weekend, with your creative energy. You will take this creative talisman home with you.
Do you have anything you'd like to share? Do you live in a place that has special little stones or shells, do you collect anything that would be fun to contribute? If you have anything that you would like to add to the mix of materials, to share with others that would be delightful. It's a really nice way to let the rest of us know a little more about you, and who you are.
Also, please feel free to bring anything of your own you might want to use in your exploration. Just know that the room will be a wild chaos of creative materials, so if you have something that you really treasure you'll be responsible for your own self-care around it.
Be comfortable. Plan to wear clothing that allows you to move and be easy. Colors are encouraged – get a little wild if you want! This is the place to wear that crazy colorful shirt or blouse you bought and don't really have anywhere to wear.
We will start at 9 AM Friday, go to 5 PM with 90 minutes at lunch time.
Friday evening the room will be open and I will be available from 7-9 PM. This is totally optional – it will also be a wonderful evening to go to a Cirque de Soelil Show and get blown away by what is actually possible for people!! THAT will open the flow!
If you choose to stay in the room, that time will be self-paced, just time to get quietly creative and contemplative…there'll be no talking or guidance, just quiet music playing, and personal play and introspection happening.
Saturday, we'll start at 9 AM and go to 3 PM, so people have time to catch planes.
The workshop will be at the Alexis Park Resort. You can make arrangements for your lodging here: http://www.alexispark.com/
I love the Alexis Park because it is very reasonably priced, it is a non-casino resort, so the energy is much more placid, and you're only a few blocks off the strip if you want to catch a show or go play. Alternately, if you want to stay on the strip, it's an easy walk to the workshop. It is easy access to the airport and there's a shuttle to get you there. Of course, you can stay where ever works best for you – you don't have to stay at the venue. It does set up nice opportunities to connect with others, when you do.