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What is going on here?

I spent much of my early life feeling deeply engaged and alive. As I grew older I became more and more closed down. I felt frustrated, depressed and unable to figure out what was wrong. There was nothing in outside circumstances that would point to anything other than a great life. But I kept swirling …

What is Trust?

What is Trust?  Trusting yourself is your first step into the bold life that you are truly here to live. What is trust if you dont trust your self? It’s easy to take the concept of trust sort of for granted. Are you like me? I used to think of trust, if I thought about …

Art Class as Metaphor I: The Power of Pure Positive Feedback

Would you like to absolutely make someone's day? Have you ever had someone compliment you, and then dull it with – "but…" or "except for…" Wow, that takes the wind out the compliment, doesn't it?   In business we're taught to use a "feedback sandwich" which says: tell three positive specific things, give one stretch, …