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Exploring “I’m sorry”

  What does “I am sorry” really mean? That I am guilty, that it’s my fault, that I should have done something, that something’s wrong, that I should be able to make it better?   Or can it just be a surrender into the acknowledgement that I am sorry along with being happy? Sorry about …

Why do we Resist Offering Appreciation?

Last week I wrote you a note about appreciation, and I got a tremendous amount of grateful feedback. Thank you to everyone who wrote to me. I promised to follow up with some thoughts about why we don’t offer more appreciation. Why do we resist giving pure appreciation without some sort of suggestion for correction …

How can I get better at receiving?

Giving and receiving   Don’t you feel great, when you have the opportunity to help someone, and they graciously accept and receive your help? Contrast that to how it feels when you offer help and they turn you down, reject your offer, or take your help begrudgingly.   The whole giving/receiving cycle is pretty messed up, because …

What is True Personal Freedom?

July 4, 2013 American Independence Day     What is True Personal freedom?     True Personal Freedom is being willing and able to show up completely as yourself, who you really are.   Which to me means: Being free of any thoughts that would have me deny who I really am, at a soul level. …


Will your Emergency to lead to Emergence?   I love it when I see a deeper meaning in words, and this morning’s addition to the elegance and truth in words was priceless.   I finally heard the word EMERGENCY in its true light. An emergency is when things get so bad that they just cannot …

FAQ – Asking HOW vs WHY

Asking HOW vs  WHY Yesterday I received this question via email…it's such a great question, I decided to answer it here. May it serve!   Hey, Scout, Thanks a lot for this life changing tool! (My Change the Question video) I love your info, but am a litlle confused which question is more powerful, "why" …

Surrender to your Brilliance

I have gotten into a few conversations lately about surrender. People want to know – is it different than giving up? Is it resigning to fate? Is it giving up your freedom of free will?   Here's what I think:   Surrender is letting go of the story of being small. Releasing the idea that …