The Power of Intention: Achieving a Long-Held Dream

 Intention blog postI spent the entire month of June, 2008 in a sketchy airport hotel at LAX.


I was immersed in my NLP training – that stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Learning the ins and outs of how the unconscious mind works, how much power it has over your moment-by-moment choices and life long results…and how to change those results by working with that beautiful, powerful, often infuriating inner mind.


As we learned about NLP, Hypnosis, communication, presentation and speaking, there was deep focus on the power of intention.

dancing large intentionWe were asked to set a clear intention for what we would do with what we were learning.

We were directed to write down a specific intention of where we would be in five years, in using these new skills. We were asked to speak in the present tense.


Here is what I wrote: It is 2013. I am working with world leaders in the sustainability and environmental arena, helping them to clear out their unconscious blocks or conditioning to them being their absolute best, so the organizations they lead are operating at absolute peak creativity and effectiveness. I was holding a specific organization in mind: Biomimicry. I so love and am inspired by the solutions-oriented nature of the Biomimicry vision – which is that the truly sustainable solutions to the problems we have created are there to be found in nature.


I completed the course, went on to build my business coaching people and going deeper and deeper into my understanding of and ability to affect the unconscious mind.


I never contacted Biomimicry about this. I absolutely did keep moving in the direction of my dreams, in other ways.


November of 2012, I got a call from Biomimicry, asking if I would coach the next cohort of trainees who will be going through their professional certification program.

guiding in Zion

Next week, at the Nature Conservancy's Pine Butte Ranch on the glorious Montana Front Range, we begin.


Oh, and by the way? For about fifteen years, the Pine Butte Ranch has been one of a small handful of specific places-to-visit on my bucket list. This will be my first visit.


There is magic afoot in the world, in a big way.


I am no more magic than you are. It is right there for you to tap into, too.


If you want to take a wild ride and turn your life into a truly Grand Adventure, I would love to be your guide.

Start by downloading my book, above; if it resonates, check out my no-risk, life-changing program:  Risk, Leap, Dream, Dare program

Send me an e-mail

Come to Springdale


Be in touch!! Here's to life, well and fully lived.





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