Set Yourself up to be Supported

20141103_144109Have you ever stopped to think that you are always creating something in your life?

Always. You can't help it. Even if the thing you are creating is an exact replica of what you created yesterday, you are creating it again today.

Your life today is the dream you dreamed of yesterday.

The seed for what you are creating is the idea in your head or the dream in your heart; the integrity of the loving heart energy with which you hold it is the soil in which it grows.

Your powerful, loving energy, holding the knowing of who you are and what matters to you is all that is required.
Your dream will begin to grow.

The more you nurture it, the faster it will grow.

So why not practice supporting your dreams?

The first and most important support is inside yourself. Decide to believe in your own dream.

And then remember: you don't have to do that by yourself, in a vacuum. We seem to have a cultural belief that you SHOULD be able to do it all yourself…but that doesn't really serve any of us.

We are not here to do it all ourselves.

Life gets really juicy and fun when you accept that it's OK to support yourself by putting yourself in an environment that supports you, with people who appreciate you, and want to see your dreams flourish.

You always have the power to let it be easier and more loving by choosing to create an environment around you that is as loving and supportive as possible.

The beauty of this approach is that when you are feeling this loving, appreciative, supportive energy to the extent that you can relax and laugh and love and live in your joy, that is exactly what you will be bringing into the world. You will find that the support expands and grows and lets more and more be possible.

You are helping make the world happier and more joyful for all of us when you choose to appreciate yourself, set yourself up to be supported, and receive the support with an open heart.

Thank you in advance.

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