Traveling LIGHT


I am a guide in some of the most beautiful country in the world, the red rock wilderness of southern Utah.

As magnificent and awe-inspiring as it is, the beauty of this country pales in comparison to the beauty of the other territory in which I explore and guide – the territory of the inner human world. This is the territory of imagination and possibility. Breathtaking magic opens up when you ask for it, and are willing to stretch the edges of what you believe is possible: for you, and for humankind as a whole.

My programs offer the invitation to go deep and explore what is possible – on the ground, and in your imagination.

Blessings on our journey together through this magnificent life!

We are emerging into an entirely new world

A world where the energy behind the scenes is recognized and appreciated for the originating force that it is.

What I offer is support for the process of emerging into this new world, whether that world is physically on the ground, in the wilderness, or whether it is energetically in your relationships, with yourself and others.

It’s all the same journey, viewed through different lenses.

If you choose to work with me, I will be working to help you feel safe to trust yourself and trust life, so you become ready, willing and able to engage in the ways that this new world calls for.

This means:
Exploring, engaging and releasing conditioned beliefs about what safety is, and is not…
Developing a powerful new relationship with your authentic desires…
And building your capacity to use the tools that will help you move forward from where you are to what you want to be.

And it will be a fun adventure.

If I have learned one true thing, in my lifetime as a guide, it is this: No matter what you might think, you are already ready. You have, in fact, already begun. And you are ready right now, exactly where you are right now, for your next step.

Sometimes you just need help and encouragement to take that next step.

Sometimes it is as simple as noticing that you are already stepping, you just need a little help defining what it is that is happening.

It starts now.

In fact, it has already begun.

We are in it, fully in it, all this grand adventure of life.


Here is one woman’s description of her experience, as posted on her blog:

Change the Question

Sign up here to receive a fun and playful ten-day series of emails to help you remember to use this technique.


Risk, Leap, Dream, Dare

21 Day Recorded Experience

Your life today is the result of the thoughts and dreams you had yesterday, and the days before. If you want your life to be different, you need to plant new seeds, think different thoughts, hold different unconscious expectations.

Opening that door means engaging your willingness to risk, to try new things.

This program will help move you into the space where you can do that. The space of curiosity, willingness and trust.

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Space Enough and Time Enough Retreats

In these retreats I lead individuals or small groups of women through the layers of what it takes to slow down and truly listen to yourself. The intention, as with all my work, is to support you being able to truly relax into knowing, honoring and being able to move at your own pace in a beautiful, powerful and sustainable way. We experience beautiful natural surroundings, getting out to hike in an easy way in Zion National Park, eat yummy healthy food, do art projects and visions boards, get to know yourself and your motivations through values exercises, guided journaling…the sky is the limit. The best of all are the conversations that happen in the moments between everything. This is an experience to treasure and refer back to all your life.

If you would like to have a better feel for this experience, one of my clients wrote a beautiful journaled description of this process in her blog at:

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Journey with the Crystal Bowls

Sound vibration has become widely recognized as a direct connection with our DNA: clearing, stimulating and activating the energy in our systems in a way that bypasses any resistance created in the use of language.

These crystal bowls will take you on a journey through your own past, present and future in a way that ties things together, connects the dots, calls forth understanding and forgiveness and moves your entire system to an immediate higher vibration.

There is a calendar with scheduled appearances; private individual and group sessions are available on request.

Half and full day workshops are available in which I combine the teachings of the bowls with the life principles I have learned and developed through my lifetime of guiding. In these gatherings I help you map over the experience of high vibration to specific areas of your life, like relationships, health or finances, in which things may be a little more challenging.


The Crystal Bowls are beautiful emissaries and guides for transitions of all kinds.

They can bring wonderful, brilliant delight to the most joyous and triumphant of occasions, and gentle joy and celebration to even the deepest grief and loss, and everything in between.

Got Questions? Please ask!!

VIP Personal Experience in Nature

Join me on an adventure in Southern Utah’s beautiful red rock country

Kickstart your life to the next level. Light yourself up, rekindle your optimism, enthusiasm and reconnect to what you most love.

This is an excellent option for new empty-nesters, business owners who have hit a plateau, or anyone who is feeling like they have run a little dry on optimism, creativity and passion. We will begin where you are, and take you as far as you are ready to go – which in my experience, can be pretty darn far!

What’s included:

Based in Springdale, Utah, we will explore some of the most beautiful territory imaginable. We’ll let nature to help inform our conversations, explorations and guide us to where you most need to go. This is a totally customizable experience – let’s talk about what you would love to have your life feel like, and we will go there.


Here is one client’s beautiful report of her experience, as recorded in four parts on her blog:

Got Questions? Please ask me!

The Energetics of Leadership

How to be a great guide.

This membership program gives you permanent access to Risk Leap Dream Dare, two video trainings each month, and a monthly 90 minute live Q&A/hot seat coaching call.

Learn more about this program

Personal Breakthrough Coaching

Taking the adventure deeper

Some people feel like they have hit their last chance – they feel stuck and frustrated, like they have tried everything; some feel exhausted by what they see in the world around them, and have come very close to giving up hope. Still – when we have our first exploratory conversation, they find a ray of hope and feel a new connection to what is possible.

As a culture we have gone as far as we can go with a pushing, punishing model. It is time for a completely different approach, one that feels deeply and authentically human oriented.

My approach is to engage with deep appreciation for what you have already done, to celebrate what has already been accomplished, in order to feed that part of you which is totally burned out, exhausted from being pushed and ready to quit…or blow something up.

Based on my experience using this method, I predict you will rest to a depth to which you have never let yourself rest, and then when your whole system is ready, you will will soar to heights of joy you had not imagined possible.

If this resonates with you, I offer this as a 6 month intensive, 1-on-1 coaching and deep change program. The entry point for this work is through a complementary Discovery Session. Press the button below to learn more.

Inquire about a Discovery Session