Find More People Who Help You Create Upward Spirals

I rarely get on Facebook and spend any amount of time at all…but this morning I got into a chat with a friend I made at a training four years ago. We hadn't connected in awhile, and we got caught up on each other's lives and progress.

We'd both been up, we'd both been down, and we shared the expansions, the contractions, the continual process of moving in and out of inspiration, connection, awareness and love.

There was a lot of brilliance shared back and forth (just ask us! HA) but the best, for me, was at the very end. I just had to jump right over here and share his closing words:

Find more people that help you create upward spirals. If i had to give you advice.. that would be it.

That is so clear, so concise, and so right on. Choose the people around you such that you are creating upward spirals together.

Yeehaw! What a simple recipe for a delicious life.

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