Exploring “I’m sorry”


What does “I am sorry” really mean?

That I am guilty, that it’s my fault, that I should have done something, that something’s wrong, that I should be able to make it better?


Or can it just be a surrender into the acknowledgement that I am sorry along with being happy? Sorry about what happened, or sorry about what didn’t happen. My heart is connected and feeling, and I am sorry.


I am sorry for what was lost in choosing what was chosen.

Can it be possible to stay in this moment, not move out into blame or building walls, but just stay present? I am right here. I am sorry. And I am happy. I am happy for what is happening, I am happy for the movement, for the life moving through us all. Both are true.


I am sorry I can’t do it all, be it all, have it all, give it all, and I will continue to show up and hold all I can, love all I can, and be present in all ways I can, from where ever I am. I will honor the choice, what was chosen and what was not, the loss and the gain and through it all, I will honor the life that is happening here.